A-K Valley athletes of the week: Freeport’s Samantha Liput, Fox Chapel’s Aidan Stein

Saturday, October 12, 2024 | 2:35 PM

Samantha Liput

School: Freeport

Class: Senior

Sport: Soccer

Claim to fame: On Oct. 5, Liput scored a goal in Freeport’s 4-2 win against North Catholic. On Monday, she scored the winning goal in double overtime to defeat Burrell, 2-1. The win put Freeport (11-1-1, 8-1-1) in the driver’s seat heading into a match with Knoch on Wednesday, which the Yellowjackets won 4-0 to secure a section title.

How crucial was the win on Saturday against North Catholic?

It was the start of our winning streak and gave us momentum heading into our game on Monday against Burrell.

Was it nice to have some breathing room between you and the other teams heading down the stretch?

It was the perfect opportunity for us to get ahead of everyone and let them know we’re here to win.

How tired was the team after playing through double overtime against Burrell?

We were almost dead, quite honestly. We powered through those last 10 minutes, and we pulled off the win.

How did you score the goal Monday?

We got a penalty kick out of the box, and my teammate Camryn Woods got a shot off that was headed for the back post. I made a run around the defenders and the goalie was still on the other side of the net. I went behind the goalkeeper and threw my whole body at the ball, and the ball went in.

How crazy was it on the field after the ball went in?

The whole team was ecstatic, and the bench came running onto the field.

What were the team’s feelings after beating Knoch to clinch the section?

We were very happy. For the last few years, every game against Knoch has been competitive and it just felt great again to beat them. We love the girls on that team, but it does feel nice to have a team you have a big rivalry with.

In your four years, the team has climbed from fourth in the section to now winning it in back-to back seasons. What has the experience been like?

My freshman year, I was still new to the team and we connected well. Junior year we took on some really good, young soccer players and the team started to get better and better. Even though we’re a young team this year — there are only three seniors on the team — we’ve been playing together since we were in U8 or U10. The chemistry has been terrific and is one of the reasons why we’ve been so successful.

Even with the section success and having made the playoffs the last four seasons, the team still has had trouble getting past the WPIAL quarterfinals. What’s it going to take to overcome that hurdle?

It wasn’t that we weren’t prepared, it was just as we went along in the playoffs, the teams were getting better and better. We were expecting that tougher competition, but it was just shocking how talented those other teams were. This year we’re going to know how to play these teams, know how to win and strategize. We’re going to be diligently prepared.

What are the team’s strengths?

We’re very skilled, and we’re all in top physical shape. Everyone on the team has a great kick and can score from midfield.

What were your individual goals for the year?

Finish out my senior year and have fun with my friends and teammates. Try to go the whole way. I’m glad we won our section, that was our biggest goal.

Do you have a memorable game?

It would probably be the game last Monday. Scoring that game-winner against Burrell was absolutely amazing and will be a moment I remember forever.

What gets you in the zone prior to a game?

I don’t really do much, just listen to music, chat with my friends and right before the game get loose and focused.

What’s your favorite song on the playlist?

“Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus.

Do you have a favorite soccer player?

Alex Morgan. Ever since I was little, she was the main soccer player I would watch. I always dreamed to be like her.

Do you play any other sports at school?

I will be playing basketball this year. I used to play when I was in seventh grade. I wanted to get back into it because it’s my senior year, and it’s my last chance to play.

Do you plan on playing soccer in college?

As of right now, no.

What do you plan on studying?

I want to be an elementary school teacher, so early childhood education.

Do you have a school picked out?

I plan on going to Butler County Community College for two years and then Slippery Rock for two.

What’s your favorite subject in school?


Any thoughts on becoming an English teacher?

I wouldn’t say an English teacher specifically. Just any subject but math. I like science a lot and wouldn’t mind being a science teacher.

If your mom was making your favorite meal, what would it be?

Tuna steaks with green beans and rice.

If you could share that meal with anyone, who would it be and what would you talk about?

It would be my grandpa, and we would talk about life and what I plan to do in the future.

If you could spend the day with any celebrity, who would it be?

Adam Sandler. I think he’s hilarious and he would never stop talking and keep the conversation going all day.

Favorite Adam Sandler movie?

“Grown Ups” and “Grown Ups 2.”

Aidan Stein

School: Fox Chapel

Class: Senior

Sport: Soccer

Claim to fame: Stein scored all three of his team’s goals, including the winner in overtime, in a 3-2 win over North Allegheny in Section 3-4A. The win guaranteed Fox Chapel (9-3-1, 7-2) a share of the section title if the Foxes beat North Hills on Monday night. On the year, he has 11 goals and five assists.

Important game on the road against North Allegheny, what was the atmosphere like during the game?

Playing away at North Allegheny is always a super fun game. It’s always electric. After dropping a game to them at our place, we wanted to hand it back to them.

How did you score the winning goal?

Right after, I couldn’t really remember how I scored. I was just freaking out because it was such a crazy moment. I watched it back and Rocco Didomenico, who assisted all three of my goals, got a second ball and bounced it through the midfield, playing me through. I took it around their defender and was able to control it along the end line and slid it bottom right past the goalkeeper.

Did you know in the moment how huge the win was?

Oh yeah. We wanted to come out flying. We had been talking about it for a while. I know how important it is for us to win the section. We’ve known we’ve had the talent the last four years. We know we can do it this year and if we let it slip, we’re going to be really disappointed. Coming into the NA game we knew if we won that game and took care of business next Monday against North Hills, we’re co-section champs.

What was it you guys did to stay within a goal of NA?

We knew throughout the game that we were dominating. We were in their end most of the game. We had a lot of chances and knew that one or two had to fall eventually.

Is it a bittersweet feeling having to share a section title?

You always want to be the one team that everyone else looks at as the best team and even though we don’t get to call the section title ours alone, if we beat North Hills, it’s still something we’ll take pride in. We know that we can make a deep run in the playoffs because we are that good. Going out and winning a WPIAL championship is next on our list.

How did you score the other two goals?

My first goal was after they scored early in the game. Coach Ingram moved me to wing, and Didomenico played me through, and I took their center back one on one and was able to slot on through. They scored again 20 minutes into the second half and we felt a little defeated because we were dominating, but with eight minutes left Didomenico found me at the top of the box and I had just enough time to get it down and put the ball top right. After that we knew we had them.

What’s the team going to need to focus on this postseason to go further than you did last year?

We need to make sure we don’t get too comfortable and that we get better after each game. I know how good this team can be and how far we can go; we just can’t let our foot off the gas.

You’ve been switching between outside back and wing, even during games. How did that come about?

I’ve played winger my entire life and in club soccer. Last year, we played a different formation than usual at Fox Chapel, which Coach Ingram put me in the outside back role and I got comfortable in that spot. Coach thought it would be dangerous for other teams to have me move between the two positions.

Any high school opponent you look forward to playing against?

North Allegheny and Seneca Valley. Those games are always fun, and the atmosphere is electric.

Who’s been the best player you’ve gone up against?

One that comes to mind is Nathan Katari of North Allegheny. He’s really skilled. Another is Zach Garma (Seneca Valley). I’ve known him a long time because we used to play club together. He doesn’t get enough credit for what he does. Both always give us tough battles.

What club team do you play for?

Steel City FC. I’ve been playing with them since I was 7, and they were known as Arsenal.

Who’s the fastest player on Fox Chapel?

I would like to say myself, but the one who comes really close is Carson Krushansky. He’s the one that usually switches with me in that center back/wing role. He’s quick. Whenever he gets moving there’s not many people that can keep up with him.

What were your goals coming into the year?

I’m focused on winning a WPIAL championship. As a senior, that’s what you want to bring home to your school. If we don’t get there, me and the rest of the seniors are going to be disappointed.

Do you have a favorite soccer player you like to watch?

I’m a huge Arsenal fan so I would say Bukayo Saka. He’s so fun to watch. I’ve also been a Lionel Messi fan. Any Messi vs. Christiano Ronaldo arguments come up, I get heated. Messi’s the best of all time, in my opinion.

Plan on playing soccer in college?

I don’t plan on playing for a school, but I want to stay involved, maybe play some club soccer.

What do you plan on studying?

I want to go into filmmaking, cinematography. That’s why I won’t play soccer in school. It will take up too much of my time.

Last film you saw?

“Good Will Hunting.”

In a movie about your life, which actor would you want to play you?

Obviously, Brad Pitt looks exactly like me. No, I’m kidding, I don’t know who I would have depict me.

What’s your favorite subject in school?

History. Been my favorite since I was a kid.

Favorite pro sports team?

Pittsburgh Steelers.

After a game or practice, where do you and your teammates go for a snack?

Chipotle. There’s one three minutes away from the field.

What’s your go to selection?

A burrito bowl with white rice, no beans, double chicken, double corn, fajita veggies, mild salsa, sour cream, cheese and lettuce.

If you could have a meal with anyone, who would it be and what would you discuss?

Christopher Nolan. He’s my favorite director of all time. I would ask him what his life was like as a filmmaker, and we would talk about filmmaking.

Favorite Nolan film?

“The Dark Knight.”

Do you like any Quentin Tarantino films?

I’m not a big fan like a lot of people, but he’s a legend. “Django Unchained” is a great one, and “Pulp Fiction” is a classic.

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