This Week on MSA Sports Network – 02/11/2013
February 11, 2013
The Battle to the Bluff is about to begin, and the only place to follow the action of the start of the February Frenzy is here this week here on the MSA Sports Network. We start with the WPIAL Basketball Playoff Pairings Show and then follow-up with EVERY WPIAL boys and girls basketball postseason contest starting this weekend. We also have the final week of the regular season for boys and girls hoops in District 6, men's and women's college hoops along with D-6 scholastic wrestling and the WPIAL Class AA Individual Wrestling Sectionals and PIHL high school hockey, plus the PIHL Power Play Show, the WPIAL Roundball Report and Inside the WPIAL Wrestling Circle all this week here at MSAsports.netMonday, February 11th: